Resourceful Humans

Shaping professional and business success aligning personal development, profit and wellbeing

Conscious worldview
new narrative
new paradigm

Breathe in

A new worldview through the conscious eyes of inspiring leaders

Breathe out

Create new narratives to adapt to change organically


Upgrade the way of thinking and operating towards a new paradigm

Breathe in

Inspirational leaders and innovative professionals showing the most human side of their journey sharing experiences around trending topics such as science, technology and consciousness.
We'll be bringing more authentic interviews regularly

Vote for the star interview, we are listening, share your view and Stay Tune!

Breathe out

A new narrative enhancing a more humanised and collaborative model balancing well-being, purpose and profit

A new model based on the 'Conscious Leadership Commitment' together with the Conscious Business Declaration issued by Humanity’s Team, The Club of Budapest, The Goi Peace Foundation, the Fowler Center and signed by more than 100,000 visionary leaders to create a new standard for Business and flourishing communities

We support the 'Conscious Business and Leadership Day' to acknowledge Businesses and Organisations that are willing to become a powerful engine on Earth to create abundance for humanity and all life. We extend the invitation to all leaders and organisations to celebrate this special day together. Stay tune!



Organic Structure

'Open Doors' to interact with Humanizy and its environment on a personal and professional level

Dynamic Value

'Flexibility', listening personal and professional needs organising affordable activities with a dynamic perceived value

Resourceful Humans

'Transparency' with a revenue model based on pro-bono work and 'pay as you go' initiatives with an 'Open Book' policy

Our Way

'Watch Parties'

Gatherings to watch movies and other audiovisual content sparking new narratives with a ripple effect

'Clarity Cards'

A game-based joyful way to boost your energy sharing experiences and sparkling authentic conversations

'Cooking together'

Setting up the table to 'cook together' food for thought and knowledge boosting relationships in a relaxed environment


Open mind and heart, Be in SERvice, Generosity, Empathy, Active Listening, Collaboration, Respect, Honesty, Transparency

A transparent model based in pro-bono work, affiliation programmes and personalised training and events. Sparkling an abundant and generous mindset to appreciate the altruist spirit of the initiative helping to keep the flame alive, any contribution is welcome. Thanks for your support!


Local Events

'Sustainable February'

Celebrating the new CatalystNow image with social entrepreneurs and changemakers

'Talented March'

Bringing together innovative leaders, companies and organisations writing new narratives to attract talent

'April Ecosystem'

Integrating IDGs and ESG to support the SDGs balancing profit and purpose for collective Wellbeing

Global Events

Collaborative ecosystem



'Humanizy Retreats'



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